Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest er en investeringspartner, der hjælper din virksomhed med at indfri sit fulde potentiale for vækst, positivt socialt bidrag i samfundet omkring dig og høj virksomhedsværdi.

When your growth journey makes a difference

Ikon - Hånd

Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest is an investment partner that helps your company fulfil its full potential for growth, positive social contribution in the community around you and high company value.

We do this through capital injection and targeted sparring based on the combination of our experiences with investments, business development and social responsibility.

I felt safe about the people working in Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest. Today, I am really happy that we chose a solution where we retain an ownership share ourselves.

Bo Olsen from Koatek A/S

Companies we have invested in

It is important for us to have an investor who understands the capital market that is shaping up - and Den Sociale Kapitalfond Invest are clearly pioneers in a movement that is only getting stronger

Jakob Kokfelt, CEO, Refurb A/S

Contact our team